Tuesday, February 10, 2009

MTC pictures and stories

Wk 1 beginning Jan 12, 2009
What a wonderful week we have had here at the MTC. At times it seems like we have been here longer, and at other times I can’t believe how fast it is going. The spirit is so strong, the teaching is so effective, I find myself drying my eyes many times a day. We have made many friends and want to be able to keep in touch with some of them. One of them was the Nielsens. They seem to be a really neat couple. They are going to Australia. There have been spiritually feed through stories as we swapped experiences with other couple regarding their lives or their calls. We wish we could have heard all of them. These were just stories shared when sitting around the lunch table or after a class. Add that to the spiritual experience of the classes and the testimonies. Wow!
What organization. Can’t believe the planning it must take to cover such an event that goes on here every day. They know where you are to be every minute, not a bad thing. We are in big groups – given preach my gospel concepts – then we break up in small groups and get a few more instructions and help – make outlines then go back to our apartment and a volunteer comes and we teach them the Plan of Salvation or other Preach My Gospel lessons. Then back to our small groups and evaluate – then back to the big group and do some sharing or be taught more.
The food is great and can’t believe how they feed so many so quickly. They even do their best at keeping the Sabbath. Sunday breakfast was cold cereal, paper bowls and fruit. Of course there is always peanut butter and jam with toasters to toast if you want, milk and other drinks. Sunday lunch was roast beef dinner, ice cream for dessert.
Jan 16 Friday
Some of us met with our tutors tonight and shared our testimonies in the language that we will be speaking if we desired. Some did the whole thing in their new language and some did half and half and some shared them in English. It was a touching 40 minutes. They really have things organized and involve lots of people from the campus and the community.
Jan 18 Sunday
Today as we went to meetings, the spirit was strong. We met with some young Elder and Sister Missionaries for Sacrament Meeting. We met a sister that is going to the Fresno Mission. She says that it is the best mission in the church.
The Branch President had given every one the challenge last week to prepare a talk on obedience. Then today he called on two Elders to give their talks. They were the speakers along with a counselor in the Branch Presidency. An interesting note was that one of the Elders from Samoa had the first name of Harris. He was named after a former Mission President in Samoa. That mission President was counselor in the branch today.

Wk 2 Clips from Annette’s Journal
Jan 19, 2009
Today was our first day of training in the temple for our mission. In the temple we go to receive the message of eternity.
I was choked with emotions of gratitude several times. We are to watch for the little things in our lives to let us know who is in charge.
Jan 20, 2009
We went to the Temple again, we were taught about baptism for the dead and were very impressed with how many of the young adults come all during the day to do this great work. Yesterday from 6 a.m. to noon they did 2300 baptisms. There are more baptisms performed at the Provo Temple than any other temple in the Church. This reaffirms why it is a blessing to work with the young adults in the church.
Jan 21, 2009
We spent most of the day in the temple learning, memorizing, participating in ordinances, wonderful experience.
Allan went to the chiropractor and when we came back he received a healing blessing through the hands and voice of Elder Danny Malcolm and his companion. Yeh!